Who We Are

We are a team with vast experience in insurance, property financing, corporate employee benefit programs, retirement planning, investment planning, tax advice, payroll, legal and notarial advice, etc.

Our experience shows every day that there is a real need for advice on how to plan for retirement, optimise the swiss social security (1st, 2nd and 3d pillars), taxes and estate planning. Even understanding your own pension certificate is daunting!

These questions should be addressed in time!

Our mission

To accompany you through all stages of life and provide you with the best possible advice on:

  • Pension planning and retirement planning
  • Family and asset protection
  • Tax optimisation with emphasis on 2nd and 3d pillar possibilities, buybacks, withdrawal for home ownership…
  • Vested benefit solutions, options and optimization
  • Mortgages and property acquisition
  • Estate planning within the 2nd and 3d pillar
  • Decisions on choice of lump-sum withdrawal or pension when you retire
  • Investment strategy to insure capital growth and /or regular income

Our method

When you agree to meet up with us, our structured activity is the following:

  • A client profile meeting, in which we go over  your personal situation in detail.
  • Agreement on scope of our intervention.
  • Submission of a cost estimate depending on the complexity of the situation, and the number of hours we expect to work on your case. This will also include any remuneration we expect to receive from providers.
  • Signature of a term of business agreement.
  • A second meeting to present and comment the conclusions of our study.
  • Decisions on implementing the necessary measures.


Our conclusions will be submitted in writing.

  • You then have the option to mandate our team to put in place the measures we recommend or use your personal advisors. It is entirely your choice!

Our partners

We guarantee a coordinated approach to all financial products and services through proven providers:

  • Banks
  • Insurance companies
  • Mortgage institutions
  • 2nd pillar institutions
  • Legal, fiduciary and fiscal experts
  • Notary operations

Depending on your personal situation and requirements, we will coordinate with our partners to submit to you a written global overview of the steps we advise you should take.