At CPP we provide sound advice for real life situations. We are not young inexperienced financial advisors. We are old enough to have lived through all the situations that you will probably encounter and wise enough to know how to help you!

Starting off in professional life

You have just started your new job, either because you have just finished your studies, or maybe because you have just arrived in Switzerland.

There are several things on which you should spend some time. The questions you should ask yourself are:

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  • The first thing is to study and comprehend your new employers pension fund. You will receive an individual benefit statement showing your cover in case of disability and death, plus projections at retirement.
  • How am I covered in case of an accident or a prolonged absence following illness?
  • To what extent will I benefit from social security?
  • Are the retirement projections realistic over the next four decades?
  • Can I maintain my lifestyle in case of disability?
  • Do I need extra life-insurance or disability cover?
  • Is there anything I can do to alleviate my tax bill?
  • Should I start a 3rd pillar and, if so, with an insurer or a bank ?
  • What sort of savings programs can I opt for ?

CPP Consulting is your ideal partner for these questions, among others. Call us or send us an e-mail using our contact form. We will contact you within 48 hours.

Getting married or planning a family

You are moving in with your partner. Important decisions will have to be made because your situation has changed.

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  • Do we need to set up a matrimonial contract ?
  • Or a non-married couple agreement ?
  • How is our common social security affected ?
  • Can we maintain our family’s lifestyle if one of us becomes disabled?
  • Do we need extra life-insurance or disability cover?
  • Is there anything we can do to alleviate our tax bill?
  • Should we start a 3rd pillar and, if so, with an insurer or a bank ?
  • What sort of savings programs can we opt for ?
  • Are our retirement projections realistic over the next three decades?

And if after a certain number of years you split up, obviously all the above will be affected and one of the main subjects is 2nd pillar splitting.

CPP Consulting is your ideal partner for these questions, among others. We will explain all the above and find optimal solutions to any issues that should be addressed.

You have been promoted

You have been granted a promotion, with a substantial salary raise, and a motivating performance bonus. You can expect higher than average income.

But a promotion is not necessarily eternal. What happens if you don’t reach your goals ? While everything is going well, a certain number of subjects should be given consideration.

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  • What does my job security look like ? How stable is my company ?
  • Is my bonus taken into account for my retirement pension?
  • Can I do something to improve my pension, using my bonus ? If so, how do I  plan this (buyback strategy) ?
  • Is there anything I can do to alleviate my tax bill, which is going to  be considerably higher?
  • How can I optimise my savings programs ?
  • Can my family subsist on unemployment indemnities if the worst happens ?
  • Should I review my insurance cover ?
  • Should I buy or rent my home ?

CPP Consulting is your ideal partner for these questions.

Home sweet home !

You have decided to buy your own home. In Switzerland this process can be very time consuming and a lot more complicated than you expect. It is also a long term investment and has to be thouroughly prepared. CPP will take you through the process step by step, assisting you at all levels.

The questions you should ask yourself are:

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  • How to find the ideal property ?
  • Can I afford it ?
  • How will the lender evaluate the feasibility of my project ?
  • What down payment do I need to make and from where can the funds come ?
  • What options do I have with respect to interest rates and amortisation ?
  • Should I opt for a bank or an insurance company for my mortgage ?
  • How will my tax situation be affected ?
  • Should I review my insurance cover to protect my investment ?
  • Is it wise to use my pension money in the operation ?
  • Will I be able to continue to afford my mortgage when I retire?

We can help you find your new home,  provide illustrations of feasibility,  set up a financial plan,  obtain the best interest rates and amortization options. We will find the best possible mortgage for you.

Relocating abroad

A lot of things to be organized can complicate a move abroad for professional reasons.

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  • Can I freeze my C permit ?
  • How do I organise my Swiss pension while I am away ?
  • Can I cash it in ?
  • Should I cash it in ?
  • What happens to my AVS social security contributions ?
  • Should I rent or sell my house ?
  • Should I renegotiate my mortgage ?
  • Should I review my insurance cover to protect my investment ?
  • What do I do with my 3d pillar assets ?
  • How will my tax situation be affected ?

CPP can help you organise things, find you the best possible solution for investing and taking control of your pension, including substantial tax advantages, while your are away, and provide solutions to any issues that should be addressed. And we will also help you when you come back to Switzerland.

You are in career transition

Your company is reorganizing, saving on jobs, relocating to another country or closing down. Your main objective of course is finding a new job. You may receive help for this from an outplacement firm. Your first priority will be to contact your unemployment office. And after that ?

There are a lot of things to be considered and CPP can help you.

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  • Can I optimize my redundancy indemnity ?
  • Can my family subsist on the unemployment indemnities ?
  • How do I organise my Swiss pension while I am unemployed  ?
  • What happens to my AVS social security contributions ?
  • Should I try to renegotiate my mortgage ?
  • Should I review my insurance cover to protect my investment ?
  • What do I do with my 3d pillar assets ?
  • How will my tax situation be affected ?
  • Can I consider taking early retirement ?
  • Most unemployed persons simply park their pension pot in a ‘libre-passage’ cash account. But are you aware that this may not be in many cases the wisest scenario ?

CPP can help you organise things, find you the best possible solution for investing and taking control of your pension while you are unemployed, give assistance in administrative paperwork, and advise you on all above-mentioned subjects.


You are ready to take your retirement. Important decisions have to  be made, whether you are taking early retirement, normal retirement at the legal age, or are postponing your retirement.

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  • How do I claim my Swiss pension, as a lump sum, as an annual pension, or a mix of both ?
  • What is the procedure to claim my AVS social security pension ?
  • Can I anticipate my AVS pension and, if so, how much will I receive?
  • Can I postpone my pensions ? How much will I receive ?
  • Do I have social security or pension benefits coming from another country ?
  • Will I have to renegotiate my mortgage ?
  • When should I withdraw my 3d pillar assets ?
  • How can I optimise my other assets ?
  • How will my tax situation be affected ?

CPP Consulting can establish a detailed retirement planning analysis. We can help you organise things, also if you are planning to retire abroad.

Services to companies

CPP can offer a wide range of services to small, average and large companies based in Switzerland.

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  • Whether you are creating a young startup or managing a well established firm, CPP will set up and manage your occupational benefits program and second pillar LPP pension fund for your company, specifically adapted to your payroll structure and type of activity.


  • We offer you a large choice of pension fund providers, which will allow you to structure your benefit plan as you wish.


  • We offer regular information sessions to your personnel on all subjects relating to Swiss pensions, buybacks, vested benefit optimisation, third pillars, mortgages, retirement planning. etc…


  • We can be of assistance to your HR service when needed, to help people who are leaving the company to organize efficiently the transfer of their pension fund into an optimal solution, help with unemployment benefit questions, as well as assist in opening an SARL or starting a self employed activity.


  • Finally, your personnel have access to all our services on request, to go over their private situations.

CPP Consulting is your ideal partner. We have access to  the best providers available on the market and, thanks to our long experience, we know where to find the best possible solution for your company and your staff.